It might surprise you to know that there are countries in the world where gambling is entirely illegal. The fact that we are free to play whatever games we want at, and that we even have a Gambling Commission to make sure everything runs smoothly can make it seem as though gambling is fine no matter where you go, but this is definitely not the case. Whether it's for moral, religious, or legal reasons, in some countries you cannot gamble. Here are some of those countries; it's good to be prepared in case you want to go travelling.
There are national lotteries (public funded) and even private lotteries allowed in Singapore, although they can only be run with special permission that has to be sought out before any gambling begins. However, other types of gambling are banned completely. You can't put a bet on any sporting match, or any other event, come to that.
Despite this, there are casinos in Singapore. So although you can't bet on events, you can play games, so it's not as dire as you might think.
United Arab Emirates
All Islamic nations expressly prohibit land-based casinos, although sometimes you can still find an online casino that has slipped through the net. Yet we've singled out the UAE because of the very strict punishments they have in place for those who try to go above the law. Anyone who is found to have been gambling will receive a prison sentence of up to two years. Plus the internet is censored, so it's hard to find online gambling even if you did think you might like the chance it.
Cambodia used to have a terrible gambling problem, so to control this issue it banned all gambling outright - apart from certain state-funded games like lotteries. Of course, this may well have sent those who love to gamble underground, but on the surface there is no longer a problem.
Interestingly, this ban only applies to Cambodians. If you were to visit the country you would find plenty of casinos and be welcomed into them, perfectly legally.
There is no betting or gambling of any kind allows in Qatar, not even any lotteries, and the penalties for breaking the law are very strict indeed. However, there is a huge underground gambling system in place, and many people use it regularly.
Although online gambling is, as you might expect, also banned, anyone in Qatar can quite legally play at online casinos that are based in other countries - the government try to restrict the sites, but they can't stop them all.
Lebanon is another Islamic country, so you might expect that all gambling is banned here. It does allow some gambling websites to be accessed, and there are even some casinos - but every casino and website must have the correct licensing from the government, and this is very difficult to obtain.
North Korea
Just like in Cambodia, if you are visiting North Korea (although this is a rarity in any case) you can still use online casinos to gamble at. However, for the North Korean people, gambling in all forms is prohibited.
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