Far from the 'splendid isolation" tendency on hairstyle and make-up proclaimed a few seasons ago, the spring / summer 2013 is going to make noise, with all elements of eccentricity, colours, cuts and fancy.
Fusion represents meeting between two aestheticisms, the one from the East, other one from the West, as well as the fusion of techniques, know-how and different perspectives.
Structured and defined cuts, unreal colours, a lot of harmony, power and balance.
PERFECTION HAS ALWAYS BEEN MORE INTERESTING WHEN IT' S MESSED UP ... this is the type of oxymore that the industry of fashion is very fond of. Decibel expresses itself in energy, rhythm, break, and is particularly fond of the incomplete. Anti-generic, this code revolutionises forms.
Injection of colours, fluos wicks, revival of 80' s... On COLOR, colour is everywhere and comes to put on the sly surrounding moroseness. No uniformity, but of boldness and character, colour is a way of freeing itself from codes and of daring.
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