Weight loss success stories
Jessica Simpson has struggled with kilos but made a remarkable come back through her diet. It may suit you, too, as well!
The weight that Jessica Simpson achieved in the past few years was put under a hard work diet loose programe. First of all, Jessica started by a detox vegan diet for a quick weight loss.
Hot water first in the morning:
Jessica Simpson worked with master healer Ming Yi Wang who recommended that in the morning to begin the day with a mug of hot water. After this, during the whole day she can have a tea for loosing weight called Pu-erh. The tea is perfect for eliminating toxins from the body. It is rather expensive as for 8 ounces you can pay up to $1,500.
Cupping, a good detox technique:
Jessica Simpson, also, associates this with Chinese technique called cupping. This technique is an ancient Chinese practice of placing heated glass suction cups on the skin just to absorb the toxins.
No onion or garlic:
The vegan loosing weight program consists of eating only vegetable no onion or garlic as being considered by master healer as “bad energies”. No more junk food, only plant foods.
Fitness program exercises:
The vegan regime is associated with fitness program: a three to five times a week program. Her professional fitness trainer Mike Alexander who put her on a special program: 1 hour weight fitness training exercises and 30 minutes of aerobics exercise. She did mostly squat and lunge exercises that strengthen and tone the buttocks and thighs.
One of the exercise program is:
Warming the legs
up with 8 minutes running on the treadmill exercise equipment at 6.5 mph.
Squat exercises – 2 sets, 25 reps
Reverse Lunge exercises – 3 sets, 12 reps
Squat Jump exercises
Biceps Curl exercises – 1 set, 18 reps
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