• Photo courtesy of Kim Kardashian Facebook page

Photo courtesy of Kim Kardashian Facebook page

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Vampire facelift, Kim Kardashian's bloody beauty treatment

beautyskin & body car…

23 April 2013

An at least curious trend makes great buzz on the Atlantic coast: "Vampire Facelift", a rejuvenation rather bloody  treatment that would have the faculty to make make the skin younger and instill into it an immediate blow of freshness. And all this without surgical operation! Kim Kardashian counts among the first ones to be persuaded by this method. Authentic parade for the botox, this alternative allows to by-pass the injection of a genetical-modified protein.

The concept of this "face-lift" consists in blending its own blood in a frost, blend which will then be injected under the skin. A special treatment is performed to get some blood from the patient, who will then be injected once again into the muscle (sciatic, upper arm). While techniques based on hyaluron and of natural grease are known to all, this method remains still obscure for many. The doctor Bruce Katz was close interested by the subject. Dermatologist and active researcher in the field of high technology in the laser, he belongs at the head of Cosmetic Surgery and Laser Clinic to the Mount Sinai Medical Center and from Juva Skin and Laser Center of New York. It also contributed to development of SmartLipo, a soft method of liposuccion, just like the technology "Madonna Lift" of reduction wrinkles with CO ₂.

The plastic surgeon Paul Nassif, MD who is known thanks to the series " Housewives of Beverly Hills ", is a fervant supporter of this therapy, where 20 ml of blood are necessary. The haemoglobin is prepared so that only plasma is kept. With this last one they work out a frost which will be injected into epidermical concerned zones.

« We have recently accomplished clinical tests on the outlines of eyes (rings especially). The method is also known as « Twilight Plasma Renewal», and these results were very convincing at the level of the revitalisation of the wrinkles of the face and of the neck. A general improvement of the skin is determined in any case.»

A success which does not have unanimous support

Fact to re-injected its own blood leads the body to reconsider this "new" blood as a foreign body, and will treat it therefore to cure ill organisms. The immune system is so put in contribution and will produce more antibodies. This technology would seem to be limited as regards action on the acne or of the neurodermitis, going up so to what is already practiced in homoeopathy. 

From a cosmetic point of view, the result proves to be difficult to show. Hollywood is the epicentre of the new techniques of rejuvenation. Is it necessary to go there to look younger?

Source beautypress


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