Tunics, perizonium, underpants, the name and forms are going to change and evolve in the course of the centuries, they are going to shorten to fit, in the XIXth century, in a modern and active lifestyle. As for the women, it seems that it was more hygienic to go for a walk without pants. But in the XIXth century, they also had to carry underwear. Long first then more and more short, that it is about pants or about underpants, these small ends of more and more sexy cloth are going to make vibrate the feathers of the humorists, fill mail order catalogues and enliven pages of pub which takes over in the XXth century of these clothes of first necessity.
Sportswomen of Pompéi, in many representations of Christ or holy Sebastian, in the pants Petit Bateau or in the underpants Kangaroo, until in the charm imitating the styles of an earlier period of 1950s or of 1980s, it is a history of underpants and of pants in some centuries of picture and in thirteen chapters, that does not aspire to the exhaustiveness, but that offers a course living and well researched.
Enthralled by mathematics, planet Mars and fashion, the art historian, Brigitte Govignon runs the collection "The Small Encyclopaedia of" (art, music, cinema, religion, photography) in Editions of Martinière, and its interest without border for the pants Petit Bateau led it to perform more ample researches on the history of the underwear.
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