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The Energy Lift Facial Massage and Tui Na Technic


22 March 2021

One of the biggest trends right now is getting a facial massage. This type of massage is made holistically, a part of the whole that vibrates to its own energies. I tried Floriane Guillé's Energie Lift facial massage technique and the result is awesome.Very gently, I went to other dimensions where you can feel the subtlety of energies, authenticity and well-being. Far from the noise, we feel our body present, anchored in an appeasement of tranquility. This kind of treatment and massage allows, in fact, to move well in depth to be able to heal and reshape. After the session, I shone like a star.

"The facial treatment, a deep reshaping of the face, working all the muscles, following the meridians and energies of the face.» Floriane Guillé explains to us.

The Energie Lift Facial Massage

Entirely manual, the Énergie Lift facial massage promotes detoxification and decongestion of tissues and lymph nodes, as well as muscle relaxation, for a rejuvenating and plumping effect. The very specific gesture of gripping the tissues is precise, firm and delicate. Its first specificity is to follow the circulation of the meridians and the lymphatic system which increases the capacity to detoxify. Then the gesture, deeper, allows you to work on muscle relaxation. The complexion brightens, the face relaxes, fine lines and wrinkles fade. I discovered Floriane Guillé, specialist in anti-cellulite modeling, body and face treatments. After several years alongside big names in Parisian beauty and serving a demanding clientele, Floriane Guillé, an expert in body modeling trained in different methods like Tui-Na and Kobido massage, opens her practice on the Riviera.Convinced of the benefits of a holistic approach to skincare, Floriane signs her body and face remodeling treatment protocols Énergie Minceur and Énergie Lift. As a beauty expert, her knowledge and awareness of the body allow her to offer tailor-made treatments by adapting, with empathy and benevolence, to each personality.

"The first session allows me to understand the general condition of your body and its needs. During the following ones, I work on the objectives set together by adapting the massage to your body's reactions ".

The Tui-Na massage technique

The very specific technique developed by Floriane Guillé, is inspired by Tui-Na massage, one of the five branches of traditional Chinese medicine, and is based on a double action: energetic and physiological. By its regulatory and stimulating action, it helps release muscle tension in the body and harmonize the flow of body energy. It stimulates the meridians and energy points. The body and mind regain balance, well-being and lightness over the course of the sessions. Through its physiological action, it helps relieve inflammation, soften deep fatty deposits and release toxins by optimizing the natural drainage and lipolysis processes. From the first sessions the body is relieved, the skin becomes more toned, the silhouette is refined.

Entirely manual, the Energie Minceur massage is practiced by grasping and detaching the deep fatty tissues. The practitioner's gesture, very specific, is firm, regular, methodical. The adipocytes, solicited in depth, separate and then gradually empty their overload. Their volume decreases and clears the passage: naturally, drainage is restarted, blood and lymphatic circulation stimulated, the elimination of toxins promoted.The regularity of the gesture, like that of the sessions, is the key to this process: the body gradually learns to correct itself and the modeling, renewed regularly, no longer allows cellulite time to re-establish itself. The effects are visible from the first sessions: the silhouette is refined, the skin gains in quality and tone. Also a source of well-being, this complete and dynamic massage releases tension and stimulates the circulation of body energy through meridians and energy points. The body, thus solicited, regains its balance and vitality.

Less prone to the appearance of cellulite, men should however guard against increasing their abdominal belt (stomach and lower back). The Energie Minceur Homme massage is particularly effective on male morphology by targeting tensions and metabolic blockages. The stress decreases, the metabolism is revived, the stomach area is refined.

Pregnant Woman Slimming Massage

During pregnancy and after childbirth, hormones are in turmoil. In addition to estrogen, which is usually responsible for storing fat and water in tissues, another hormone comes into play: prolactine. The latter causes the formation of fat reserves which prepare for breastfeeding. Cellulite appears ... Around the 7th month of pregnancy, the baby's weight and volume compresses the blood and lymphatic vessels, circulation hurts, the body is filled with water and cellulite sets in. It is to meet the specific needs of a pregnant client, that Floriane has developed the Energie Minceur Femme Enceinte massage to limit the appearance of cellulite and stretch marks, by targeting lymphatic blockages and stimulating tone and skin tone. elasticity to the skin.Because pregnancy is a beautiful and intense adventure, Floriane will perform a personalized and unique massage respecting your body through precise gestures combining efficiency and gentleness. It will adapt to your current state of mind, with respect, listening and empathy.

You can meet Floriane Guillé in her office at 5 rue Rossini, in the heart of the Golden Square of Nice. 

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