Catherine Ganz-Muller's Cologne bookseller is the lucky winner of the SGDL Grand Prix du Roman Jeunesse 2021!
Created by the Société des Gens de Lettres in 1947, this prestigious award recognizes, each year, confirmed authors for the quality of their novel.This year, the association has chosen to reward our young adult title, inspired by the history of the family of its author, Catherine Ganz-Muller. The novel plunges its readers into the heart of Nazi Germany, into the daily life of a German bookseller who tries, by all means, to keep a Jewish business alive at the risk of his own life. A true tribute to books and to freedom.
This price is in addition to those we recently announced to you:The child of Oradour by Régis Delpeuch, which traces the true story of Roger, the only child survivor of the Oradour-sur-Glane massacre during the Nazi occupation, has meanwhile won the 2021 Youth Historical Novel Prize ( meeting of the history of Blois), selection CM2 / 6ème!
The Eternal Drakkar, the adventure novel by Estelle Faye which transports her readers to the time of the Vikings, is the lucky winner of the 2021 Val Cérou Prize!
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