After food excesses of Holidays,we can go for a rejuvenating cure inspired by a fashionable buddhist tradition in 17th century...
But because they are first of all women - or a men! - definitely in her epoch and in search of effectiveness, they opt rather for GliSODine Détoxifiante, clean her out détox beloved of the Hollywood stars as Sandra Bullock or Drew Barrymore...
The exclusive Complex GliSODin ® unites an extract of melon 7 times as rich in plant SOD (an antioxidizing enzyme) as a classical melon, in the gliadine, a protein of wheat which protects it from digestive enzymes and allows him to act at the level of the intestinal cells. Complex GliSODin ® acts in the middle of organism to stimulate the mechanisms of protection against oxidizing stress and destroy radical free.
The extract of Acérola, a berry very rich in vitamin C, protects the cells of radical free.
The Vitamin E plays an essential role in the protection of the membrane of the cells of organism.
Selenium and Zinc act in synergy with other anti-oxidizers to struggle
The extract of kernel of Thistle marries favour the regeneration of the cells of the liver and the secretion of bile, this one allowing to evacuate toxins.
The extract of Leaf of Artichoke stimulates biliary secretion and also contributes to normalize the levels of lipids in blood.
The extract of Little flower of Broccoli is rich in sulforaphane, an active substance which booste the activity of enzymes of détoxification.
The extract of Racine de Pissenlit regenerates the cells of the liver and favours functions of elimination. It also makes easier digestion.
The extract of Racine de Bardane known for its depurative activity, is rich in acids phenols which act on the elimination of toxins at the level of the liver and at the kidneys.
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