The epitome of elegance in the summer! Where else rather than on the horse jumping competitions?! The tradition keeps its charm here and the June catches fire with the hats in their most unusual forms and shapes. Now we throw ourselves into the elegant ambiance of Royal Ascot and Prix de Diane Longines just to catch a glimpse of what it used to be the old elegant style into a modern version of eternal and classical feminine beauty.
In June, Royal Ascot, Prix de Diane Longines and also Monaco Jumping are putting their horses to competition but most of all, it brings out the best in women and men: elegance! Hats, hats are the word of the day and they show their power on the heads of beautiful ladies and gents.
The eye-catching milinery is a form of expression showing the social status. The most sophisticated hat shows also a more higher social rank. That can be seen in the different hats version between London and Paris, between Royal and others. That's the hat that makes the difference!
Which country stood best for its hats? Well, it's for you to judge!
Editor Andra Oprea
Photo by Francisco Gomez de Villaboa
Prix de Diane Longines
Photo by Dominique Maitre
Photo by Francisco Gomez de Villaboa
Prix de Diane Longines
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