Friday evening, on the 24th of September, Paris plunged into an artistic autumnal mood by the new Gala by Paris Opera. Glamorous was, also, the word of the day for the celebrities present at the event.
This new edition of the Opening Gala brings together three works that highlight the Paris Opera's style. With Clouds Inside, the young dancer from NDT Tess Voelker performs her first choreography, the story of a man-metronome and a woman in the clouds. Damien Jalet comes with Brise‑lames, a piece for nine dancers, depicting waves of movement into an alluring mood. Etudes Harald Lander comes with a classical touch.
Alexandra Lamy was over excited with the Paris Opera Gala
Alexandra Lamy wanted to "be transported. I just feel like being swept away because I'm not just ‘happy to be here,' I'm over-excited,"
For this season, the excitement seems at its peaks.
"You all here attentive, curious feels so good. I first want to celebrate the joy, the one that comes with the stage, from dance, from simply being together," said Paris Opera director of dance Aurélie Dupont.
The passion on the stage went directly to the public's heart and the emotion could be felt all around. Art is needed, catharctic events are needed!
Dita Von Teese came to the gala
Dita von Teese was present at the event even though her first appearance on the French edition of "Dancing With the Stars" was being broadcast the same evening. "I wouldn't have stayed home to watch myself [on TV] because I'm hyper-critical of my own performances," she said.
The Paris seemed to be alive again into an artistic effervescence.
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