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O’Neill Surf Academy 2012

lifestyle & tra…events

18 July 2012

From 19 till 22 July, the O' Neill Surf Academy commits a second offence! The Coast of the Basques in Biarritz receives the team to O'Neill within the Big festival. Professional surfers will be present on the village to initiate kids free from 6 to 16 years to the practice of the gliding.

Surfer, to teach and to have a good time

The O' Neill Surf Academy offers days of introduction in the surfing in partnership with the Big Festival. For 15 years, professional surfers transmit their passion to hundreds of children. "For me, it is really cool to work with the team and to become wrinkle teaching the space of some days", entrusts Damien Castera surfer pro in longboard.

Before throwing themselves in the water, the instructors are going to transmit them essential knowledge of middle and accompany them in the preparation of the equipment. The first hours of surfing will be followed by a well deserved picnic. Amandine Sanchez, instructor of surfing, pro surfer and ambassador of the O' Neill Surf Academy settled a tournament: «My objective this year is to make discover the surfing to most children possible, the whole thanks to an organisation without fault! ».Tout during the day, the apprentices surfers will be able to put into practice advice of the pros and make sign autographs, before leaving again with goodies to Hear Neill, especially envisaged for occasion. Days are going to be loaded for kids!

Out of Bounds, surfing and disability

The morning "Out of bounds" is organised on Thursday, July 19th, to allow the handicapped children to discover the joy of the surfing. Amandine Sanchez is present for three years on the O'Neill Surf Academy. Instants passed with the children are part of his best memories of edition 2011: «There was a very good ambience during lessons given with the association ' Des vagues et des enfants ', which allows to the autistes children to go surfing». To stand up on a board is always an unique experience. The instructors are going to make everything to share this exhilarating feeling with the children. «I would like to transmit to the children the pleasure of having a good time on a surfing but also essential knowledge of middle. Tides, benches of sands, currents», such is the objective of Damien Castera.

An artist on a surfing?

During lunch break, it is the artists of the Big Festival that thread their combinations, often to take their first waves. Partners media, press and artists are the welcome to have a go at the surfing and to use sessions favoured with pros. Occasion dreamt to surpass itself and to have a good time with the team to Hear Neill. Last year, coachés by the pros surfers, Pedro Winter, Naughty J, Izia and many others could try the O' Neill Surf Academy. As says it so well the pro surfer Tom Cloarec; if it was necessary to sum up the O' Neill Surf Academy in three words: «Surfing, music and especially ambience!».

Find the video of the O' Neill Surf Acade:

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