Losing weight can be a real burden.But, in fact, this is just a pitfal in your mind. Be calm and clear about yourself: it is all in your mind. And purifying your thoughts can help you improve your tonus and weight.
When losing weight some pitfals may stay in your way. First of all is your negative thoughts. Saying everyday that you are fat is not improving your state, on the contrary it may deepen it. The brain absorbs all the information you give to it. Saying every day that you are fat make your brain think within these proportions. as a great tip is to replace the negative words with positive ones like fit, health, tonus that will rule your world and lead you to the right track.
Also, being always on the search of the perfect image won't do you any good. Nobody is perfect, everyone has its own little things. Important for you is to feel good in your skin and control the lines you want to fit in. It is simple if it starts from a mental programmation. You can start a daily routine for your slimming purpose and reward yourself everytime you touch the desired points in your list.
It is very important to accept you as you are. Rememeber always that some proportions can never be changed and you have to work only in thise that can be changed. The road to having the body you want can be a lifetime journey but is up to you to make this journey pleaant. Remeber : it is all in your mind and everything starts and ends from here.
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