It is no joke, it is told by e new study: your laugh lines can tell you about your bones density. The study among women of 40s and 50s showed that the worse their wrinkles are, the lower their bone density is. The study is still in research to obtain exact results.
The fracture risk – for who?
“This information (…) may allow for the possibility of identifying postmenopausal women at fracture risk at a glance, without dependence on costly tests," said study researcher Dr. Lubna Pal, a reproductive endocrinologist at Yale School of Medicine in New Haven, Conn.
Durometer and X-ray tests:
The study measured, also, the firmness of the skin on the women’s foreheads and cheeks with a special device called durometer. Their bones density was measured with an X-ray analysis.
The relation between wrinkles and bones density:
Researchers studied the link between hip, lumbar spine and heel and their study was regardless of age, body fats and other factors that influence bones density. Bones and skin share common building blocks. As we age, the collapse of collagen can be seen on our faces but also in our bones.
The conclusion was that a firmer face is related to greater bones density.
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