Created by the renowned Belgian artist Charles Kaisin, a giant origami installation entitled "HYPHEN" made of 13,500 glittering origami horses is hung at the Courtyard of PMQ, Hong Kong.
Hand-folded with thousands of sheets of reflective golden foil, the shiny horses symbolize fortune and perfection in the perspective of the Chinese. "PMQ GOat ARTventure" exhibition runs from 10 February to 31 March 2015.
"HYPHEN represents a link between all the memories of the past year and all the wonderful times ahead. It is also a symbol of unity in human relations. The link between red and gold represents not only the prosperity and happiness, but also a harmonious blend of human beings in the universe. This is what the term hyphen means in Greek" says Charles Kaisin. The Belgian architect and designer Charles Kaisin is at the forefront of his art by providing sustainable and contemporary creations from recycled materials. He was responsible for conducting creations by prestigious brands such as Swatch, Delvaux, Hermes or Pierre Marcolini, and he worked as artistic director at Val Saint Lambert and as a project manager at Hermann Miller. It is a guest lecturer at the Hong Kong Design Institute and the Higher Institute Saint-Luc architecture.
A wide range of events and activities was held at PMQs since it opened in April 2014. The long list includes "Le French May ANDREE PUTMAN - Ambassador of Style", "Fredrikson Stallard Prologue by Swarovski for" "1600 pandas World Tour in Hong Kong: Creativity Meets Conservation "," FOREVER HERMES LEATHER EXHIBITION "," SCHOOL Van Cleef & Arpels "in Hong Kong and" DETOUR 2014 ".
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