Yesterday was ON for beer pouring at Café de Paris as the 9th edition of Oktoberfest Monaco began under the cheerful vibes of O ho lay dee odl lee o, o ho lay dee odl ay / O ho lay dee odl lee o, lay dee odl lee o lay (The Lonely Goatherd song). The tapping of the first keg along with the cry "O'zapft is!" (`It`s tapped!`) opened the Oktoberfest. The Monaco Minister of Justice, Philippe Narmino was the one to inaugurate the event. All the way from Munich up to Monaco, the German vibes got us all and put us to dance and beer. We tried the blonde one from the Bavarian brewery Weihensteph, we tried the traditional food like roast pork, ham hock, Wurstl, potato and, of course, Brezen and felt like singing and standing up with the KuKu on our lips. But the best of singing was delivered to us by the Echt Guat band.
The song starts with Ein Prosit (Eyn Proz-it) and it continues with a countdown to G'suffa (zuffa) meaning take a big drink.
Of course, no Oktoberfest without Bavarian costumes: hats with a tuft of goat hair for men (considered back in the early years as a sign of wealth as the goat hair was highly valued and prized) and Dirndl, a women traditional dress worn in Bavaria that has its roots in the historical costume of Alpine peasants. In fact, the Dirndl dress is a mix of full skirt with bodice, blouse and an apron. It can be quite expensive as it is tailored and uses hand-printed or silk fabrics which may be quite costly.
Oktoberfest is part of the Bavarian culture and it has been
held since 1810. With a long tradition, the celebration is known all over the
world and gathers around many people. In Monaco a sure thing was clear right
from the opening: it will be a fabulous edition as people are eager to come and
enjoy the Bavarian ambiance. So, it is time for you to to do the O ho lay dee odl lee o, o ho lay dee odl ay
O ho lay dee odl lee o, lay dee odl lee o lay up till 19th of October.
Editor Andra Oprea
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