Fashion collection
On the occasion of theScience celebration which will take place from 12 till 16 October 2011, l'Oréal France puts in honour 10 new faces of the science, during the ceremony of delivery of Stock Markets, which will be held on October 10th, 2011 in the Palace of Discovery in Paris, with the support of the Commission Frenchwoman for the UNESCO and the Academy of Sciences.
Every year since 2007, L'Oréal France delivers to 10 girls,on the base of science thesis, a 10 000-€ Stock Market each for the quality of their researches. France program « For the Women and Science » aims at favouring and supporting the accession of the women in scientific careers and in the most well brought up posts in France.
The event supports the principle of more women in science because only 28 % of the researchers in France are the women.
Source: PR Newswire
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