Oscar nominee Eddie Murphy will host this year’s Academy Awards show on Sunday, February 26, 2012 as telecast producers, Brett Ratner and Don Mischer announced. The show will be presented at the Kodak Theatre at Hollywood & Highland Center.
Eddie Murphy is thrilled to present The Oscars:
In the addition to the announce, Eddie Murphy declared that he is “enormously honored to join the great list of past Academy Award hosts from Hope and Carson to Crystal, Martin and Goldberg, among others (…) I'm looking forward to working with Brett and Don on creating a show that is enjoyable for both the fans at home and for the audience at the Kodak Theatre as we all come together to celebrate and recognize the great film contributions and collaborations from the past year."
Eddie Murphy, a successful actor since he was 15:
Eddie Murphy is a well known actor with movie debut when he was 15 as a stand-up comedian. Four years later, he joined “Saturday Night Live” with a great success in reviving most memorable characters in the show. He is also known for starring in movies like “Beverly Hills Cop”, “The Nutty Professor”, “Shrek”.
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