There is no sparkle without a Chanel party in Chanel own way! With Karl Lagerfeld present at the event keeping the vibes up and teaching from his learnings at Master Class at the International Festival of Fashion and Photography in Hyeres, everything kept the Chanel spirit alive.
On the Villa Romaine facing the Mediterranean Sea at Hyeres, the ambiance was a lyrical and retro one with Anna Mouglalis reading poems by Catherine Pozzi or Christophe singing hits from the Sixties and Seventies.
Along with Karl Lagerfeld was Princess Caroline of Hanover who was also on the jury.
There is a very nice ambiance here; there is softness, an energy that isn't frenetic and openness in general," said Princess Caroline of Hanover.
The ambiance was chic and it brought the energy for the outlining of the event.
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