Thanks to a balanced and healthy feeding, it is up to every person to bring in the body all vitamins and oligo elements which in order to sray fit. However, the 5-8 fruits and vegetables a day are not so easy to insert into our food daily. The market of supplementary food does not cease growing, but by having under eyes the list of what is essential in our body, this financial year will not turn any more in the brainteaser.
* Tobacco consumption raises the needs in antioxidizing vitamins as the vitamin A and C. The alcohol consumption diminishes the absorbtion of vitamins B and D. During the pregnancy and feeding, needs in vitamins are in a general more well brought up way.
The vitamin D is synthetized by the body in the presence of sun and acts in this title in narrow relation with hormones. Vitamins A, D, E and K are liposolubles, the body knows how to synthetize them. Vitamins of type B and C are hydrosoluble, the body does not know how to synthetize them, reason for which they every day have to be present in a sufficient quantity.
So, a great lifestyle is needed by eating fruit and vegetables (not those genetically modified), drinking plenty of water and tea (made by natural plants) and exercising.
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