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Beauty Tips on how to get the perfect tan

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19 July 2013

Beauty tips on summer tan:

Many bla bla on the internet on how to get the perfect tan, how to have the Kate Moss tan. Let me tell you something, is not a big deal to get the perfect tan, you just have to follow some simple lines to have a long term beautiful skin.

Don't marathon your tan:

To get tan is not to marathon with the sun saying "oh yes I'm in vacation and I have to take advantage of it, I have to turn black in a few days." With this attitude you will turn reddish and peeled in a few days. Nothing sexy about it!

You should kiss your sun every morning:

Prepare your mind for vacation, enjoy the idea of kissing the sun, let its energy fill your body and mind! This is the first and most important step when letting your self kissed by the sun. It's a lifestyle, in fact. And you should kiss and salute your sun every morning on your empty estomach. It fills you with great energy.

Prepare your inner skin to glow on the outside:

Eat fruits and vegetable and eat carrots and tomatoes long before your tan. Carrots and tomatoes, especially, contain Beta Carroten that will help you get your tan quicklier and for longer period of time. Prepare your inner skin to glow on the outside. And, for your inner skin to glow it needs healthy food and a lot of physical activity everyday. It is a lifestyle. And, believe me, the perfect tan gets along with this really well.

Peeling, moisturising your body:

If we took care from the inside (body and soul), we prepare the outside skin. It is a lifestyle routine, also. You see, tanning is an every day routine, after all?! Every day skin care - peeling once a week, day and night cream, eye contour cream. Eye contour cream is very important because sun can cause wrinkles and the first to wrinkle is the eye contour area. So, take good care of it.

Exfoliate, use sunscreen:

Before going to the beach, exfoliate,  moisturise your whole body and spray it. Don't say that if you put cream on your body you won't get tanned. Yes, you will, and in a long healthy way. You don't want to get burn and look like a featherless duck!

Don't use body oil or even baby oil for your skin. Sun will focus more on that area and may cause damage.

How much can you expose to the sun?

It is important to expose to the sun as little as two to three hours until lunch time or after 4 o'clock. Also, when first exposing to the sun, try 15 to 30 minutes and then raise the period of time. A sudden exposure to the sun may cause a shock to the body. So, take into consideration these tips.

The most perfect tan you can achieve is  when you trust sun to do the work for you. You just have to let yourself be touched and kissed by this natural blessing and enjoy it.

Editor Andra Oprea



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