The artist Wim Tellier manufactures large-scale art installations incorporating photos into the environment in the form of landscape art. It has been hailed internationally for his following art projects: "We Wish" in 2006 in which he made an enlargement of 600 m² of his son and integrated in several cities, with the Santa Monica Pier, Los Angeles as the last prime location; "Protect 7-7" in 2009, the first art installation in Antarctica of six enlargements of 800 m²; in 2013, "We Drift," an art installation consisting of 1000 images of 16 m² that people could see through a natural force, a tidal river. In 2014, in association with Canon, he directed two art installations at the Tomorrowland festival. A facility necessitated 46 cameras, to make it one of the most unique group portraits of all time.
Wim Tellier has expanded his reach with his new artistic project "TIME".
On the beach of Knokke-Heist, Belgium, he joined a circular image of 3000 m². This is a split image, whose main subject is a vulnerable crab grown at least 1000 times compared to its original size. The background consists of fisheye pictures of unique landscapes for which Wim Tellier has traveled the world. These images are designed to offer spectators an open view of the world.
The graphical and logistical aspect of this project is innovative and revolutionary. The photo file exceeds 400 gigabytes! Given this huge resolution, Canon printed image 56 parts which were then seamlessly welded together. Photo weighs 1 800 kg.
Photo "TIME" can be seen for two weeks before the casino on the beach in Knokke-Heist, Belgium. To represent the dimensions of the expansion, there are 5 blocks of each 4 meters high. Members of the public can walk on the facility to admire the fisheye photographs. Unknowingly, they will contribute to the partial destruction of a work of art because of the sand on their shoes. It is difficult to imagine a more striking illustration of human ecological footprint. After exposure, the image will be damaged conceptually split into 12 parts. Wim then personally integrate these parts in 12 prime locations worldwide.
Each place will tell its own story to demonstrate the impact of humans on the planet.
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