Window on Com ʼ, with its president, Marie-Chantal Di Martino Dhoste, has the pleasure to announce the 15th official ceremony of its PALMS OF COMMUNICATION and its record of participation for this anniversary with 61 ads in competition.
This big event of communication, unique in its form on the Coast dʼAzur, allows every year to the best of all to be recognized by a large majority and promoted. The recognition of this prize exceeded well the borders of our region and opens from now to the rest of the country. To realize the trophies of this jubilee, lʼassociation of communicating chose an emblematic symbol of lʼart azuréen: Louis Dollé, famous sculptor plastic surgeon, «image miracle-worker» as he wants himself to learn and with whom the monumental sculptures marked the spirit of each all with their fragility and force at the same time.
As a habit, the talents of our region will be put forward: the communication will flirt even more with the art, will go surfing on lʼhumour of Laurent Barat who makes us the great pleasure of returning to emotionsalong with the presentation of the ceremony, assured once again by Angelica Alasta, the "voice" of Palms.
Big novelty this year: a special 15 years prize which will be delayed by the founder of Fenêtre sur Com ʼ Ludmila Spirydakis.
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